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讨论 DropDMG 3.2.9 支持简体中文了

本帖由 Bill2015-12-13 发布。版面名称:macOS论坛

  1. Bill

    Bill 老牛 管理成员


    By default, OS X 10.11 required you to click an Options push button to see the options for the New from Folder/File..., Convert Image/Archive..., Get Image Info..., and Mount Image... commands. DropDMG now shows the options by default.
    Worked around a change in the Finder that caused disk image windows to be too short for the background picture when created using OS X 10.11.
    Worked around a Finder bug in OS X 10.11 that could cause the disk image's icons to be misaligned if the AppleShowAllFiles option was enabled.
    DropDMG will now check that the Finder saved the state of the window status bar and fix it if necessary.
    The Activity window is now shown by default.
    Added the Why doesn't the file I added show up on the disk image? section to the manual.
    Updated the Create OS X Install Disk section of the manual.
    Improved the error messages when the Finder doesn't save the proper window bounds for the mounted disk image.
    If the LayouterCheckViewOptions esoteric preference is set, DropDMG will now check that the icon size, text size, and background picture were correctly saved into the view options (retrying if necessary). This can work around a rare bug that was reported in OS X 10.11.
    Fixed a bug where Mac App Store receipt validation used the current date rather than the receipt creation date.
    Fixed a regression (caused by an Xcode update) where various dialogs and sheets did not show the lock icon to indicate that a passphrase was set.
    Fixed the size of the distribution disk image window.
    Updated code for Xcode 7.2.
    DropDMG is now localized in Simplified Chinese.

